Meet Ashley
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Hello! My name is Ash! I entered the fitness industry in 2014 directly after having my daughter. This was a scary decision after spending a decade in the veterinary field and not having satisfaction with my career, and to date it was one of the best decisions I've made.
I grew up a competitive athlete participating in basketball and softball. Once I reached adulthood I dabbled in running races, including a full marathon, to try and quench my desire to stay athletic and competitive. Running was very satisfying for a bit, but my true passions have always been in a gym. I started lifting weights with my dad at the age of 12 and nothing I did ever made me feel as alive as strength training did. Throughout my younger adult years, I struggled with career choice, until I finally decided that coaching other humans the way I'd been coached my whole life was something that came natural to me and felt right.
My career started as many do, as a trainer in a corporate gym just trying to make my name known and gather as many humans as my schedule allowed to make an impact on their lives and health. My biggest passion to date in this field, is proving to people that everything they ever thought was impossible, is actually at their fingertips. Watching a client perform a lift or exercise they deemed impossible and seeing their entire soul light up is what keeps me working.
I personally started competitive powerlifting about 3 years ago, after many many years of debilitating back injuries. I was determined to get on a platform and excel at the very thing that most people thought I would never do again and haven't looked back. It has taken a village of professionals and a massive personal support system to get me to where I am, and I don't take a day of it for granted. Now my job as a coach is to pay it forward. My desire is for everyone who was an athlete or not, has experience or not, was accepted or rejected to find their home with a barbell. I was given so many opportunities from coaches over my years of many different activities, and my hope is to inspire others to succeed from the many methods of coaching I've learned from.
Over the last decade my methods have evolved, and I now hold current certifications in USA weightlifting and Precision Nutrition. Through the foundation and culture my business partner and I have cultivated at Independent Iron, I hope to lead many more humans of all genders, backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and orientations to a life filled with more strength, confidence, and fulfillment. Ultimately, helping people live healthier lives is the backbone of what I do, if this is something you desire, please feel free to reach out through these avenues.
Phone: 503-332-3564
IG: puretorque_n_fork